That the US and the UK are the most popular destinations for management studies is not big news.But the findings of a survey conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC),which conducts GMAT,a B-school entrance test used globally,has thrown up some surprises.

Number 4 on the list of the Top 10 preferred destinations for B- school aspirants is India,with Canada at No.3.Israel and Spain are the other surprise entrants.According to experts,Indias foray into the elite league has a lot to do with the emergence of institutions such as the Indian School of Business,Hyderabad,which was ranked No.12 globally in the Financial Times (London) Global MBA rankings earlier this year.The IIMs,which use GMAT as an entrance test for their executive MBA programmes,are also responsible for Indias popularity.
B-school aspirants are looking at a return on their investment,and with the investment being lower for management education in India when compared to the US and the UK,the returns are higher, said an expert.